Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Silly mistake in the examination

Anupa : Sir im a final year chemistry student..recently i faired a bit poorly in my viva and i was sooo disappointed that i messed up with my practicals soon after that.the mistake was soooo silly to shows i was absent minded somewhere.why do i behave so?..and how should i get out of it?..pllss i need ur help..

Baladheepak AC :
Anupa, you are a final year chemistry student. Can you help me with this problem?

I have an equation which people claim is correct.

I have a doubt coz the molecular strengths(! I hope the term is right)of the left hand side and right hand side are not equal.

Can this equation be considered as right?

We both know that it cannot be considered so.

What is the reason?The stability is challenged - right?

If an equation is carefully noticed for its stability - we have to understand how important it is to see, notice and carefully watch the stability of humans.

This starts from the mind.

If a small mistake of yours is going to be the focus, all the right things you do and the general agility of yours are out of focus.

So, keep yourself totally upon the situation (either it is a practical working, or theoratical problem..) and go according to the protocol.

If your professor has given a set of proceedures for you to go by, follow that without any intrusions in the mind.

As a guide, I remind you of the umpteen opportunities which are available in this world which you would be facing and taking up in the future.

If you are not a clearhead, then, those opportunities might not be addressed successfully.

1.Learn from the problem.

2.Know why you went off balance.

3.Become more interested in the subject - even unconsciously you should do things right.

Baladheepak AC

Medicines for emotional problems

N.H. People ask solution for their emotional and psycho problems. For that also you give medicines? I want to know how it help.

my tolarance level is bad. what to do?i get angry for many things.

Baladheepak AC : @N.H.I have been in the field of personal development for quite some time and rather than seeing this as an emotion oriented approach alone, I see this in a totally different way,

The universe has created each being in a certain composition. You are a sum total of the 5 elements, many systems which are alive inside and with two important factors, Intellect and Soul.

A problem, in any person, cannot be cured by attending only to his/her intellect - which most of the people think it is possible to be.

I take into account the other elements too. And I find that it gives good results.

Now, towards your query on tolerance -I would like to know what all you are not able to tolerate.

Can you be more specific?

Ex: I'm unable to tolerate noise

Unble to tolerate people who lie

People who tell the truth get to my nerves

Girls/boys irritate me

Pls let me know.