Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Short tempered

Hi friend, I am short tempered person and became very angry with ignorable issue. What I have to do to get rid off from this bad habit
Baladheepak AC:
Pankaj,Though I saw your query three days ago, I needed time to contemplate before answering.
Two reasons:
First, we are tele-communicating. In person, things are different.
Second, there might be many others who might wish to know the solution provided for your question. The reply should be in that angle.
Fine,Lets' come back.
Pankaj,My observations has revealed three common charecteristics of people with short temper.

One, they are sensitive.
Two, they are intolerant to wrong.
Three, they wish to bring a positive change. (Here, the word positive might mean different things.)

Ok. Now that we understand you are sensitive, let us see a few things.
When you are angry, your thinking is out of control. At that time, we communicate with an unconscious intention to hurt others. The anger might cool down, but the scars caused by words might not heal - at all.

Realisation of the after-effects alone would be an antidote to anger. If you are immune to anger, then short temper would slowly find its path away from you.
My mom always tells a proverb - Anger is both the mother and father of all sins. (It might seem that these words are a bit exaggerated. No, having this in mind might actually bring about a great change in out attitude.
As mentioned earlier, realisation is the way.Pls have a copy of these lines with you, as the meaning sinks in, the maturity would bloom.

God,Grant me the serenity to accept,
The things I cannot change,
The courage to change things I can,
And the wisdom to know the difference.

My little experience leads me to my bookshelves to dust away and re-view the scriptures. The more we are in lines with it, there would be no need for a thread like this.
If possible, read Saint Valmiki's Ramayana. The lessons found in it would be the best teacher for life.
May goodness dawn on you,
Baladheepak AC.