Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Short tempered

Hi friend, I am short tempered person and became very angry with ignorable issue. What I have to do to get rid off from this bad habit
Baladheepak AC:
Pankaj,Though I saw your query three days ago, I needed time to contemplate before answering.
Two reasons:
First, we are tele-communicating. In person, things are different.
Second, there might be many others who might wish to know the solution provided for your question. The reply should be in that angle.
Fine,Lets' come back.
Pankaj,My observations has revealed three common charecteristics of people with short temper.

One, they are sensitive.
Two, they are intolerant to wrong.
Three, they wish to bring a positive change. (Here, the word positive might mean different things.)

Ok. Now that we understand you are sensitive, let us see a few things.
When you are angry, your thinking is out of control. At that time, we communicate with an unconscious intention to hurt others. The anger might cool down, but the scars caused by words might not heal - at all.

Realisation of the after-effects alone would be an antidote to anger. If you are immune to anger, then short temper would slowly find its path away from you.
My mom always tells a proverb - Anger is both the mother and father of all sins. (It might seem that these words are a bit exaggerated. No, having this in mind might actually bring about a great change in out attitude.
As mentioned earlier, realisation is the way.Pls have a copy of these lines with you, as the meaning sinks in, the maturity would bloom.

God,Grant me the serenity to accept,
The things I cannot change,
The courage to change things I can,
And the wisdom to know the difference.

My little experience leads me to my bookshelves to dust away and re-view the scriptures. The more we are in lines with it, there would be no need for a thread like this.
If possible, read Saint Valmiki's Ramayana. The lessons found in it would be the best teacher for life.
May goodness dawn on you,
Baladheepak AC.

My memory is not week, but what's the problem

My problem is that i cant concentrate for long..whether its in the class room listening to lectures or if im sitting with my friends, i find myself lost and dont pay much attention..many people have noticed and told me that im absent minded.My age is 23 .My memory is not that weak but im really bad in maths and accounting.Can you plzzzz help me??
The Moghul Emperor, Akbar, was one day out hunting in the forest. When it was time for evening prayer he dismounted, spread his mat on the earth, and knelt to pray in the manner of Muslims everywhere.Now it was precisely at this time that a peasant woman, perturbed because her husband had left home that morning and hadn't returned, went rushing by, anxiously searching for him. In her preoccupation she did not notice the kneeling figure of the Emperor and tripped over him, then got up and without a word of apology rushed farther into the forest.Akbar was annoyed at this interruption, but he observed the rule of speaking to no one during the namaaz.At just about the time that his prayer was over, the woman returned, joyful in the company of her husband, whom she had found. She was surprised and frightened to see the Emperor and his entourage there. Akbar gave vent to his anger against her and shouted, "Explain your disrespectful behavior or you will be punished."The woman suddenly turned fearless, looked into the Emperor's eyes and said, "Your Majesty, I was so absorbed in the thought of my husband that I did not even see you here, not even when, as you say, I stumbled over you. Now while you were at namaaz, you were absorbed in One who is infinitely more precious than my husband. And how is it you noticed me?"
Sabeen,This shall provide a beautiful catalyst to you.Read this story twiceSee which charecter you fit right Contemplate what change is to be implimented.In case you would still need clarification, we are here...
Baladheepak AC
Sir im a final year chemistry student..recently i faired a bit poorly in my viva and i was sooo disappointed that i messed up with my practicals soon after that.the mistake was soooo silly to shows i was absent minded somewhere.why do i behave so?..and how should i get out of it?..pllss i need ur help..
@ Anupa
Anupa, you are a final year chemistry student.
Can you help me with this problem?I
have an equation which people claim is correct. I have a few doubts coz the molecular strengths(! I hope the term is right)of the left hand side and right hand side are not equal. Can this equation be considered as right? We both know that it cannot be considered so.
What is the reason?
The stability is challenged - right?
If an equation is carefully noticed for its stability - we have to understand how important it is to see, notice and carefully watch the stability of humans.
This starts from the mind. If a small mistake of yours is going to be the focus, all the right things you do and the general agility of yours are out of focus.
So, keep yourself totally upon the situation (either it is a practical working, or theoratical problem..) and go according to the protocol.
If your professor has given a set of proceedures for you to go by, follow that without any intrusions in the mind.
As a guide, I remind you of the umpteen opportunities which are available in this world which you would be facing and taking up in the future. If you are not a clearhead, then, those opportunities might not be addressed successfully.
1.Learn from the problem.
2.Know why you went off balance.
3.Become more interested in the subject - even unconsciously you should do things right.


Hi, can u give suggestion to overcome my sadnes.. i loved agirl.. she also loved me. but after three months she told she got engagement with another guy and left me.. but recently i came to know that she is not engaged .. she is in orkut also.. ive asked why she told lie and left me.. but she is not even replying.. hey she ignored me.. why i dont know.. iam very stressed.. after she left and now also she is cursing me.. pls tel me the ways to forget her and come up in life..

Baladheepak AC : There is nothing more painful than to suffer indifference from the one we love.
Let us understand a few things,
First - if the person whom we love (or think that we love), is exhibiting indifference, then there might be some problem with us. (one must have great guts to accept this). So, to overcome that, communicate with the person in all humbleness and see how soonyou can learn about the problem.
Once you learn, then see if this problem of yours might extend beyond one person and affect other relationships too.
Action needed : Take a paper and write a letter or email, but write.