Thursday, November 1, 2007

Injustice - unable to tolerate

thank you sir..well i am unable to tolerate INJUSTICEpeople taking advantage of someone..telling a lie..such things really irritate me..

@ Anupa
Anupa, you are a final year chemistry student.
Can you help me with this problem?
I have an equation which people claim is correct. I have a few doubts coz the molecular strengths(! I hope the term is right)of the left hand side and right hand side are not equalCan this equation be considered as right?

We both know that it cannot be considered so.
What is the reason?
The stability is challenged - right?

If an equation is carefully noticed for its stability - we have to understand how important it is to see, notice and carefully watch the stability of humans.

This starts from the mind.
If a small mistake of yours is going to be the focus, all the right things you do and the general agility of yours are out of focus.

So, keep yourself totally upon the situation (either it is a practical working, or theoratical problem..) and go according to the protocol.
If your professor has given a set of proceedures for you to go by, follow that without any intrusions in the mind.
As a guide, I remind you of the umpteen opportunities which are available in this world which you would be facing and taking up in the future.

If you are not a clearhead, then, those opportunities might not be addressed successfully.
1.Learn from the problem.
2.Know why you went off balance.
3.Become more interested in the subject - even unconsciously you should do things right.

Baladheepak AC